Black Achievement Month | Young Talk X Tribez | Helden (Uitverkocht)
Tijdens de Black Achievement Month in oktober staan zwarte helden en achievers in de schijnwerpers. Van theatermakers, entrepreneurs tot aan wetenschappers en medici - al deze talenten en prestaties verdienen het om onder de aandacht te komen van een breed publiek.
Dit evenement is in het Engels.
During Young Talks young people engage in conversation about topics that are important to them. This edition has been developed in collaboration with the Tribez student association (the former Heart of Africa) and is aimed at students. The theme is Heroes and will highlight what young people need to fulfill their dreams and become their own heroes.
The night will be hosted by the talented Maria Toke, president of Tribez.
Gilberto Morishaw – advocate and activist in the field of human rights, social and climate justice, inclusion and a consultant on the topics of future of work, social impact and democratic innovation.
Jane Ortet – who is on a mission to inform the younger generation about Black History.
Dervin Sno – a social entrepreneur based in The Hague, founder of Foundation Convey
The Hague artist Glodi will bless our night with some wonderful spoken word.
Samira Rafaela, the first and only Black Dutch European Parliament Representative, as our special guest. Samira Rafaela is a Dutch Member of the European Parliament for the social-liberal political party D66. As such she is part of the Renew Europe Group. Rafaela ran on the promise to fight for a strong, social and secure Europe. She strongly believes that the EU is at its best when we work together to diminish inequality and celebrate our diversity. Samira brings a unique mix of background and life experiences to that end. To be “United in Diversity”, as the EU’s official motto goes. She is Co-President of the European Parliament Anti-Racism and Diversity Intergroup.’
About Tribez:
Tribez is a student association in The Hague with the ambition to empower and educate students with African heritage. Tribez also stimulates to share knowledge on the continent of Africa and its diaspora by serious and fun activities. Tribez wants to be a platform where students can work on themselves and be empowered in a community.
Let op! Het event is verplaatst en vindt plaats in het Koorenhuis.
27 oktober 2020
Ticket prijs : €5
Tijd: 18.30 – 21.00 uur
Adres: Prinsegracht 27, Den Haag
Volg via: Facebook / Instagram
Black Achievement Month Den Haag is een samenwerking van: Diligentia & Theater PePijn, Het Nationale Theater, Filmhuis Den Haag, in het Koorenhuis, The Hang-Out 070, Powered By DeeDee, Orisun Studio’s, Verbalism en Beeld en Geluid Den Haag en wordt mede mogelijk gemaakt door de Gemeente Den Haag en Fonds 1818.